Phox Water

Phox Water

Reaching a new, environmentally-conscious audience on TikTok to spread brand love and increase sales.

The Objective

Phox Water, the world’s most eco-friendly water filter, is out to banish one-off water filters and replace them with refillable ones, piquing interest with mainstream names from Selfridges and John Lewis to The Independent. Its objective on TikTok was to spread the word further and faster, reaching a new audience keen on caring for the planet.

The Solution

Phox Water used one of TikTok’s most popular ad formats to get the word out – In-Feed Ads. Sitting natively in the For You feed, this format blends in with other organic posts whilst being channeled into the right places by TikTok’s audience targeting. An external link empowers fans to continue their journey directly with the brand.

Phox Water ran a full funnel campaign, combining traffic and conversion objectives to take the community from discovery through to purchase. Top of the funnel awareness data would build a picture for the type of audience likely to commit lower down the funnel. The targeting started off broad, looking at interests like health and wellness, and as the campaign developed Phox Water narrowed the pool by building custom and lookalike audiences based on engagement and website traffic. It also tested different age categories too to discover its core audience.

Creatively, Phox Water made a variety of different ads using different angles and filming techniques, from product explainers to pieces-to-camera or narrated visuals. It experimented with both manual and auction bidding, and followed TikTok best practice to play with video length, ad copy, CTAs and creative combinations, optimising on what made its audience click the most.

The Results

The results speak for themselves. The campaign drove over 3.2 million video views and 3.3 million impressions, reaching the community far and wide. Over 14,800 users clicked to find out more and a further 2,993 conversion events were delivered, leading to a whopping conversion rate of 20.1%. It appears the brand was a natural, taking to creative optimisation like a duck to water. Filtered water, of course.

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TikTok For Business


The leading destination for short-form mobile video.

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TikTok For Business

In-Feed Ads

Integrate video content into users' "For You" feed.

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